A real freedom is to be free from all things. Is being free from freedom being bounded? One is first bounded by not being God. We may all be parts of God, but the appearance of something, rather than everything, limits one’s freedom. Or, perhaps, one is freed from the everything when one becomes an individual. All laws seem to be ways of restricting freedom.
The difference between matter and mind is apparent when related to freedom. For if one is asked to build a wall in one’s mind, then asked to build one in the external world, one can immediately perceive more labor being exerted in the latter. Matter appears to exist prior to mind, but is mind primarily or originally mind or matter, i.e. is mind a chemical calculation or a motive/operation. Science seems to logically connect itself temporally by virtue of evolution, and events appear deterministically bounded, till they attempt to surpass present time, future time, and the Big Bang. The history of science itself appears to be an attempt to overcome human error and capacity, which can be seen as a limitation to freedom.
Other beings appear to limit the freedom of one’s own being if they are not under one’s own control. The freedom we all seem to have from the direct control, i.e. a mental command causing an object to move, of one another is perhaps what gives rise or want for an ethical system. For the human appears to distribute its potential among individuals; and some interactions can be, in my opinion, rather horrific. Perhaps one of the goals of Ethics is to resolve these unequal experiences among beings.