Friday, November 13, 2009

There is NO defying reason

#1 basic components of things

What things are relative to all things? What is a thing? It can be anything, everything, nothing, it definatly must be something, however, for if it is not something it is nothing, and nothing must be a thing for I can not see anything before nothing without making it something. If it at all is still unclear then we can also define such a thing in mathematics where nothing is defined as 0 but is still defined as 1 with the equation 0!=1.
How does this happen is a very important question? Something must happen for nothing to become something. The truth is nothing happens for something to become nothing and nothing is still something. This is made true by the first thing relative to all things which is space. We must consider that what nothing does is take up some form of space.
Space being something that is related to everything is in fact not a simple concept to define. The reason being that space is a concept that is so well understood by everything that I can not see anything, intelligent or inanimate, not agreeing that it has a distanct location and is there by reason. Thus, nothing becomes something, which is space, however, everything takes up space.
Why then is the space of nothing considered as such? The reason being that there is no observable motion being done in the space of nothing. This brings us to the second relative thing which is related between all things in existance which is motion. For nothing to be something or anything it must take up space and be able to move. We consider movement as an attribute to everything in existants because everything moves and things that dont move have been placed there by something that does move. Movement can then be defined as any change in location, which can be any motion in any space. Movement, therefore, is a part everything and can be anything, but must be something because lack of movement is nothing.
Every occurrence which has happened, is happingng, is to happen will and must be done by some form of motion. The relationship between motion and space is what we call time. Time is the measurement of the amount of motion it takes to get from one space to another. Time is the third relationship all things have to each other because for time to be measured motion and space must be related to other motions and spaces. Everything is affected apun by the interelationship of time, motion, and space.
Time, motion, and space are interconnected with one not existing without another. Reality is proof of this interconnection and I can perseve nothing in existance that can be used to disapprove this fact. What we call “reality” or “real” is what I will define as; a space where motions interact with each other. Since most things are just combinations of other things, such as most living bodies being compused of billions of cells, more or less. And all these other things are compused of other parts which all have their own uses and so forth.