Saturday, April 11, 2015

On Purpose II

An object as massive as the universe, or even more fundamental, existence itself, could not possibly have been actualize for any other reason than that it could not have not happened. It is impossible for absolute nothingness to exist at any point in time, therefore existence must have always existed in some form. There is no other source for existence other than existence itself. Every phenomena in this place, including ourselves, are just parts of this whole. It has no innate or ultimate purpose, it’s merely a self propelled force. Ultimately, we also have no profound purpose. However, our brains are capable of simulating various perspectives of reality. All we need is an object in which to pursue, and we will begin to formulate means to obtain it. This knowledge of our possibilities and necessities gives rise to the concept of purpose. A consequence of the body’s adaptation to the environment.

The capacity for pain and pleasure(the negative state and positive state of the body) is the bases for the idea of purpose. If pain and pleasure did not exist, it would be impossible to know what situations we should pursue and which we should avoid. Also, how would creatures learn and evolve without these senses? It is necessary that a rational being have the ability to identify dysfunction and efficiency, as rationality requires a universal logic and adaptable mechanics. For sensations are reactions, or reflexes, to the environment. How else could the body possibly maneuver this harsh environment?

Purpose is nothing more than a pain and pleasure motivator. Even knowledge, the most valuable object in existence, is weighed in accordance to its efficiency at achieving some pleasure or avoiding some pain. Without sensations of pain and pleasure, knowledge would be nothing more than a collection of useless data. And, unless the world is adapting to the individual in it, it is impossible to live without some kind of adaptation to the environment.

If it is a fact and truth that there is no intrinsic purpose to life and existence, than is it permitted for people to take advantage of others for personal gains? For what end would an intelligent being do so, knowing its existence is not permanent, and nothing is greater than the whole? The rational choice is to formulate a harmonious relationship with the environment and acquire valuable information. Only knowledge has proven to be effective in preserving contentment, for brute strength is not enough, an understanding of direction is needed, in living entities at least. And happiness seems to be the goal of most.

(Footnote: Though life is purposeless, virtue is logically preferable to vice. Virtue is another concept which imposes on the mind. For all rational beings do what they perceive as good; and most shall agree that those who do evil to themselves or others for the sole reason of evil or pain are irrational. Therefore, if purpose exist, one must maintain also the virtue exist. What actions are virtuous?)

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